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Setting up checkpoints

Checkpointer is a service designed to automatically create checkpoints periodically for a set of asset pairs. It provides an easy-to-use CLI tool that handles the heavy lifting of setting checkpoints for your assets at your desired frequency.


The Checkpointer is available as a Docker image hosted here.


To specify which assets you want to set checkpoints for, you need to provide a YAML configuration file. Here's an example of how to format this file:

# config/config.example.yaml
- pair: BTC/USD
- pair: ETH/USD
- pair: BTC/USD
expiry: 102425525524
- pair: BTC/USD
expiry: 0
- pair: ETH/USD
expiry: 234204249042
- pair: SOL/USD
expiry: 0

For spot pairs, simply list them under the spot section. For future pairs, list them under the future section and include the expiry timestamp for each pair.


The service is run through the CLI. Here's the basic syntax:

$ python checkpointer/ [OPTIONS]

-c, --config-file PATH: Path to YAML configuration file. (Required)

--log-level [DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL]: Logging level.

-n, --network [sepolia|mainnet|pragma_devnet]: Network on which the checkpoints will be set. Defaults to SEPOLIA. (Required)

--rpc-url TEXT: RPC URL used by the onchain client.

--oracle-address TEXT: Address of the Pragma Oracle. (Required)

--admin-address TEXT: Address of the Admin contract for the Oracle. (Required)

-p, --private-key TEXT: Secret key of the signer. Format: aws:secret_name, plain:secret_key, or env:ENV_VAR_NAME (Required)

-t, --set-checkpoint-interval: Delay in minutes between each new checkpoint. Defaults to 60 minutes. (Must be >= 0)

Example Usage

poetry run checkpointer -c config/config.example.yaml --oracle-address $PRAGMA_ORACLE_ADDRESS --admin-address $PRAGMA_ADMIN_ACCOUNT -p plain:$MY_PRIVATE_KEY

Getting Help

For more information on how to run the CLI, you can use the --help command:

python checkpointer/ --help

This will display a detailed list of all available options and their descriptions.

Additional Information

For more detailed information about the CLI, please refer to the README in the GitHub repository.